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"Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the brothers in every town where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, to see how they are doing.” Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark. But Paul thought it best not to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not accompanied them in the work. Their disagreement was so sharp that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. And he traveled through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches." Act 15:36-41 BSB 

Differences is a common word. In fact, God made no two people the same. But if we don't learn to manage our differences, it can do us a great damage. Early 51 to 53 AD in Antioch when  Felix the predecessor of Festus was made governor of Judea, a famine broke out at Rome and the Jews were expelled from the ancient city. It was a time conducive for a missionary work so Paul asked Barnabas if they could visits the towns and people groups they have ministered to during their first missionary journey of which Barnabas agreed with no hesitation. But on the midst of that great agreement was the greatest disagreement ever in the history of the World's missionary movement. A team put together by the Holy spirit, (Acts 13:2), is about to be dismantled by a simple disagreement. Scripture said, Their disagreement was so sharp that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. And he traveled through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
The whole disagreement was on the issue if whether Mark which is also called John should come with them or not of which Paul strongly disagree with on the bases that John Mark might desert them again as he did in Pamphylia 
During their first missions trip, John Mark was with them as their helper, (Acts 13:5), but Mark later desert them and left for Jerusalem, (Acts 13:13). Why he departed from them is unknown. It might have been from fear of danger; or from alarm in traveling so far into unknown regions. But it is plain from Act 15:38, that it was from some cause which was deemed blameworthy, and that his conduct now was such as to make Paul unwilling again to have him as a companion but Barnabas has different opinions. A little digging into scripture reveals that John Mark is actually a cousin of Barnabas, (Col 4:10), and Barnabas' affection for His nephew is about to set a sharp contrast between them. Most a times, I see family relation becomes a roadblock to the plans and purposes of God Concerning our lives in many instances and also in the life many individuals as sell. Many men of God are shallow in the things of God and far from the will of God because of family relationships. Scripture said, " And everyone who has left houses or brethren or sisters, or their father or mother or wife, or children or fields, because of my name, will be receiving a hundred-times that, and will be inheriting everlasting life." Mat 19:29 mlv. It means that, to get serious with God, you are going to sometime, somewhere desert certain relationships in order to have more of God. 
This is the truth, you will never walk in the highest level of your purpose without deserting certain relationships. Please know that there are three category of relationships you you will have on earth.
1. Your confidants
A confidant is one to whom secrets are entrusted, one who is into you. He or she cares about you, thinks about you and is involved with you in your issues. He is not into what you are into, he is not into who you are, but into you as a person. He will get into your face and corrects you but will not desert you. He doesn't care whether you are poor or rich, black or white, guilty or not guilty, loser or winner, victim or victor. He is just into you. Confidant will be there with you in the storm,  in the rain, when you are winning or losing, up or down, no matter what. You might be wrong in a situation but he will be with you. If you find them in your life time, two will be a great number, woe unto you if your spouse is not one of them.
2. The constituent
A constituent is someone who is into what you are into. They are not into you but they are into what you are into. They will be all over you at all time until the things keeping both of you together is there no more, then they vanish. It might be business that you are into, or you both work on the same job. It may be an interest which is keeping both of you together but as soon as the tie that is binding is let lose, they are far gone never to return. 
You see, John Mark was into mission and as the mission is getting dangerous, he deserted Paul and Barnabas. He was never into Paul and Barnabas, he was into missions but he was with them serving them as if he was into them. But as soon as the missions is getting dangerous, he left. Constituents are like that, therefore you must figured out very well between them and your confidants else you will mistook them for your confidants and share important and valuable information of yours with them of which they will one day use against you. Be sure.
3. Comrades
These category of people are neither into you nor are into what you are into, but comrades are against what you are against. Comrades will join forces with you to fight for a course and after the crusade, they said bye bye and will never look back. They are like scaffolds erupted against a building and after that the work is done, the scaffold is dismantled. But never forget, the building still stands when the scaffold is long removed. Never mistook your constituents and comrades for your confidants. Do not allows relationships to confuse you into making decision which will hurt you in life so badly. 
Paul was very conscious of that and made the right decision and as a result, Paul's team grew from grace to grace. After he took Silas and left for Syria and Cilicia, (Acts 15:40-41), it is reported that many people joined his team beginning from Timothy; (Acts 16:1) and in Act 20:4, it is reported that Paul was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaius from Derbe, Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia. As for Barnabas, that was the last time we heard of him.
If you confuse your constituents and comrades with your confidants, you will be lead astray. 

 What then

Relationships are important aspect of life but if you don't chose your relations well, it will terminate your life and God's purpose in your life. Hence, it is very important to learn and study on the subject and master your devices in this area. So get that book on how to form relationships and study it. It will do you a great favour in Jesus name. Amen.

Lord, help me filter my relationships in the name of Jesus. Amen.
