"Then a voice said to him: “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!” 14 “No, Lord!” Peter answered. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.” The voice spoke to him a second time: “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” 16 This happened three times, and all at once the sheet was taken back up into heaven." Act 10:13-16 BSB
Transformation is a powerful word. It bears in its nature the ideology of metamorphosis. It is evolving to become a better version of yourself. Any where there is transformation, it elevate lives, dignified relationships, liberate people and builds community. During the reformation age when Martin Luther King Jr rose to challenge the Gim Crow law, his success in dismantling the that stronghold elevated the black community and dignified their lives in the United States. Similarly of mahatma Gandhi of India.
The greatest of all revolutions that brought transformation was the dismantling of the apartheid regime in South Africa. A revolution headed by a young legal practitioner, Nelson Mandela.
Every stronghold which keep people in bondage is a product of laws established by human governments which had an inspiration from the demonic realm. The Gim Crow laws established that, all humans are not equal. The situation was so bad that even the Church separates the Blacks from the Whites in the chapel. Earlier, it was more disastrous, the Church do not even believe that the black race have a soul and therefore can not be saved. Can you imagine the stronghold even the church came under.
But throughout history, God turns on the light of His revelation in the heart of men who bears the vision and challenges this demonic inspired legislations to dismantle their dominions. When Martin Luther had the illumination that all human are created equal, he became the activist who kindled the crusade to the end the abolitionism of the Gim Crow laws.
Scripture said, my people perished because they lack knowledge. Knowledge is the first stage to illumination. Next to knowledge is an understanding, with wisdom being the ultimate level. Knowledge deals with information, understanding deals with comprehension, but wisdom deals with application. You cannot apply what you don't know and understood. Meaning if you lack a certain knowledge, you will wallow in ignorance of it's situations.
For many many years, the Jews lived with the mindset that all humans are not equal and that certain animals are unclean. Even though it is God who gave them this laws to keep, the purpose was completely defeated. God was raising a nation which will be window through which God will extend his will on earth, and fulfill his promise to the human race in Jesus. The coming of Jesus required that a lineage be preserved which can carry the seed of the divine being which will be born and a time frame is associated with that. As the scriptures said that at the fullness of time Jesus came forth. Even though it was not the time as in 2020, or a particular age, it refers to a setting where a prototype of what God wanted to do on earth is in existence. God was actually bringing back the kingdom to earth and therefore needed a prototype to that form of government which the roman empire exhibits. That is why Jesus was born during the time of the Roman empire.
So everything that God did was to pave way for the coming of the holy one, but Israel made a doctrine of the means and defied the ends, rejecting the whom all prophecies point to.
It was so bad that the apostle also were found guilty of that when Peter almost rejected the entourage of Cornelius the roman soldier, had it not being the intervention of God himself.
Our cultures turns to shape our believes systems and God sometimes have to force us out of those strongholds. The only things which liberate men from those strongholds is the light of the Gospel of the kingdom of God.
Certain things we are struggling with on earth is as a result of certain believes we have held for long. If we can drop certain believes, transformation will come knocking on our door.
The word of God is the light which enlightens us for liberation and emancipation from mental slavery as it is written, the entrance of your word gives light and understanding to the simple. Every stronghold which hold us captive is a thing of the mind, you need another light to flash that thing off. The light is in the word of God. Get into the word of God today and experience the true light which lights everyman that comes into the world. Blessings.
Lord! Let the light of your word enlighten me as I spent time in your word to the end demolition of strongholds in my mind, to be liberated from all captivities. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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